
Family Law Attorneys Fight for Families

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Family Law Attorneys Fight for Families

Many parents fail to realize that they are still co-parents even after a divorce. This means no matter what their feelings are toward each other, their goals should always be geared toward the best interests of their children. I am an attorney practicing family law, and I see parents every day who have forgotten that children should always come first. I hope that this blog will remind people that kids can be terribly hurt when their parents get divorced and that it is up to the adults in their lives to provide a secure foundation where they can feel safe and know that they are cared for. Children are often innocent victims of divorce. Learn how to protect your kids.

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Traumatic Brain-Injury Questions and Concerns Victims May Have

The brain is one of the most essential organs in your body, and if it is unfortunate enough to suffer a serious injury, this could result in permanent disabilities and death. Following one of these injuries, it is important for victims to understand that they enjoy some important legal protections.

Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Only Occur from Major Accidents?

There is a common idea that a traumatic brain injury can only occur from a violent accident that causes serious damage. However, it is important to note that traumatic brain injuries can come from seemingly minor accidents. For example, it can be possible for individuals to suffer serious brain injuries if they were to strike their head from slipping and falling. Additionally, it can be possible for brain injuries to occur from medical malpractice or complications.

What Are Your Legal Options When Addressing a Traumatic Brain Injury?

When a person suffers a traumatic brain injury, they may be able to pursue compensation against the person or party responsible for their injuries. Unfortunately, these cases can be relatively lengthy and complicated to resolve. During these cases, you will need to prove that your injury was either directly or partly the result of the actions of the defense. This will entail hiring medical experts to examine the injury as well as to testify as to the role that the accident played in causing the injury. Furthermore, it will be necessary to determine the amount of long-term impairment that the victim can expect from the injury.

Not surprisingly, some people will feel stress about being able to afford the needed treatment as these cases move forward. Luckily, your attorney may be able to help secure treatment in exchange for a lien against the case. This will mean that the medical expenses incurred during the trial will be directly deducted from any final award.

How Will Long-Term Care Costs Be Handled?

When a person is unlikely to ever fully recover from their brain injury, they may require ongoing care. Sadly, this type of care can be remarkably expensive, and many victims may be concerned about paying for their future treatments. During the course of your trial, your attorney will calculate a rough estimation of the future costs that can be expected from treating the injury, and these costs will be included when negotiating a settlement. Additionally, your attorney may be able to help you pursue disability benefits, which can greatly reduce your financial obligation when it comes to your medical care.