
Family Law Attorneys Fight for Families

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Family Law Attorneys Fight for Families

Many parents fail to realize that they are still co-parents even after a divorce. This means no matter what their feelings are toward each other, their goals should always be geared toward the best interests of their children. I am an attorney practicing family law, and I see parents every day who have forgotten that children should always come first. I hope that this blog will remind people that kids can be terribly hurt when their parents get divorced and that it is up to the adults in their lives to provide a secure foundation where they can feel safe and know that they are cared for. Children are often innocent victims of divorce. Learn how to protect your kids.

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When You Should Consider Bankruptcy As An Option For Relief From Your Debt

A lot of people will not even consider the thought of filing for bankruptcy, primarily because there is a negative stigma attached to it, but it is important to know that bankruptcy is something that is available for people to use when they really need help with their debts. If you think that there is a chance you could benefit greatly from using bankruptcy, you might want to at least consider it as an option. It might also be important for you to understand the situations in which filing for bankruptcy is something you should be considering. Here are some of the times when people should evaluate bankruptcy as a way of receiving relief from debt.

You have tried to get out of debt and cannot find a way

Before going straight to bankruptcy, most people will try to find a way out of debt on their own. If you have tried and have had no luck, or if you cannot find a way that would help you get out of debt within the next five years, bankruptcy is probably a good option to evaluate.

A major event in life caused you to fall into debt

Secondly, a time when you may want to consider bankruptcy is if something happened in your life that caused you to fall into debt. For example, did you lose your job? If so, and if you could not find one for a while, you could easily fall into major debt problems. Another example is an illness you experienced that caused you to have to stop working or that caused you to incur thousands of dollars of medical bills. A lot of people that file find that it is because of a major life event that they ended up in this situation.

You are close to losing your house

Another example of a time when filing for bankruptcy might be helpful is if you are on the verge of losing your home. If you know that your lender will foreclose on the house, filing for Chapter 13 would be extremely helpful, as it would make the foreclosure stop.

Your creditors will not stop calling

Finally, if you are tired of dealing with phone calls from creditors all the time, and if you have no money to give them, you may be in a position where bankruptcy would be a good option for you.

If you are facing any of these situations or all of them, bankruptcy is a good option to evaluate. You can learn more about the different types of bankruptcy and the effects of each by visiting bankruptcy lawyers.